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    Notes for daily use of Bluetooth earphones

    2023-04-10 16:39:00

    The figure of earphone is everywhere in daily life, but it is precisely because of the increase of use frequency, as well as many improper operations in the process of use, that the damage rate is also constantly rising. Grantu Bluetooth earphones manufacturers summarized the earphones in the use of the process of three special noteworthy matters.

    1. Plug in earphones

    Bluetooth earphones manufacturer Grantu found that some users have the phenomenon of hard plug earphones, hard pull earphones. In fact, regardless of whether the earphones plug is connected, the hard earphones insertion is not only easy to cause damage to the earphones, but also may lead to serious damage to the headphone jack of the mobile phone. Not only that, the hard pull phenomenon of mobile phone earphones is more serious. Many users directly pull the headphone cable and pull off the earphones after using the earphones, which is easy to cause the problem of headphone cable fracture. Therefore, when using, you should insert the earphones with the docking port, hold the plug and hold the earphones.

    2. Control the volume

    Too much volume will cause earphone damage, not only that, but also cause damage to people's hearing. When the user adjusts the volume of the earphones too high, the phone often signals the potential for hearing damage. Therefore, when using earphones, Bluetooth earphones manufacturer GLanto suggests that the volume of the earphones should not be too large, appropriate.

    3. Headphone storage

    When storing the earphones after using them, there is often the problem that users will wrap the earphones in a ball and put them at will. But in fact, the use of such casual storage, even high-quality, reputable Bluetooth earphones will also have problems. Mobile phone winding may appear line fracture, once placed with magnetic objects, there will be earphone damage. Therefore, after use, Dongguan mobile phone earphones company believes that the earphones should be folded in the crease order, and avoid contact with magnetic objects.

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